Friday, March 04, 2005

Weekend matters

I'm thoroughly enjoying this Friday evening. No plans, no visitors, no calls, just plenty of the blessed herb, good tunes on the radio (Austin has superb radio stations), and solitude. This week end I plan to do plenty of nothing.

Here are a couple of funny sites I've run onto lately:

Bill Maher, with the help of Robin Williams, asks some interesting questions about the Jeff Ganon, ahem, "affair"....Video on Truthout.

Perrosamiga sent this story from The Scary News. The title of the story is Bush Administration Sweeps Oscars! Here's the best line:
And Bush-- jeez! Bush had this sword, I think it was an old cutlass, a real one. He was waving it around and going WHOOP! WHOOP! LOOK AT ME, I'M THE BIGGEST MONKEY IN THE JUNGLE!
Spring continues apace here in Austin. In addition to the doves and redbuds, references to SXSW abound. The pecan trees haven't budded yet, so we will have another freeze, but right now the temperature is in the 50s and 60s and when the sun's shining this is the best time of year. It's not supposed to shine this week end, however.

Last week end I spent chasing my 2-and-a-half year old grandson and visiting with his parents. Between that and the Cirque du Soleil later in the week, I've been somewhat overstimulated. I'm off to enjoy the peace.


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